
Dealing with an ARE 5.0 failed exam is a frustrating experience. It sucks, no need to talk around it. On the positive side, if you’ve failed an exam you’re in good company. Pass rates are between 45% - 66%, depending

None of the created elements are visible. I have been using Revit for eight years now, and the most common problem I still have to solve is when I get the Revit “none of the created elements are visible” warning. Today

Everything you want to know about ARE 5.0 passing scores! What are the passing scores for ARE 5.0? And do you have to pass all the sections? And do you have to pass both the case studies? Or just one? I'll

Slopes and how to calculate them are something you’re going to encounter on all six ARE 5.0 exams. Topography, plumbing and sewers, code and ADA ramps all have to do with different slopes, so it’s a good idea to have