UTILIZATION RATE FORMULA To find Utilization Rate you divide the hours of work you did on actual architecture by the total number of hours you worked. UTILIZATION RATE EXPLAINED Utilization rate is the efficiency of labor. It is the ratio of work you
The best way to prepare for any ARE 5.0 exam is to make a study plan plan and stick with it. That is the most common advice I give when people ask me how to prepare for the ARE 5.0 exams.
Earlier this year I celebrated three years of being self-employed by offering 120 free 20-minute consults to visitors of this site. A lot of people wanted to talk to me about their side-gigs and how to go about working for
Dealing with an ARE 5.0 failed exam is a frustrating experience. It sucks, no need to talk around it. On the positive side, if you’ve failed an exam you’re in good company. Pass rates are between 45% - 66%, depending
This is part of an interview series aiming to spotlight professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of architecture. I am focusing on those working for themselves or in leadership positions in their organizations. Though all the work is impressive, I'm
None of the created elements are visible. I have been using Revit for eight years now, and the most common problem I still have to solve is when I get the Revit “none of the created elements are visible” warning. Today
Everything you want to know about ARE 5.0 passing scores! What are the passing scores for ARE 5.0? And do you have to pass all the sections? And do you have to pass both the case studies? Or just one? I'll
A lot of test-takers seem to stress out about the math on the ARE 5.0 exams, especially the rounding. In this post I’ll cover some of the most common code math issues and how to round for each one. Short answer: (almost)
Inside face of walls or outside face of walls?!?!?! Understanding and measuring gross floor area is one of the most common questions I get, so here’s the answer in blog form. Short answer: It’s both. Medium answer: Code questions – Inside face of
When you’re 30 the most fun thing to do with money is to save it for when you’re 60! I know that’s not true for most of us, but what IS true is that starting with your retirement investing early